Wednesday 10 October 2012

Week 03: Landscape (Atrium)

Oil pastels - 40 minutes

Obviously one of the major downfalls of this image is that it has no ground or background detail which would have really helps show the viewer the size of building but because this has not been done, you do not have much of an idea how large it is. Another element that would have been interesting to add is what was behind the glass, e.g. Tables and people as this would have suggested that that the material on the windows was actually glass instead of it looking as if it is made of the same material of the roof.
The angles on the drawing appear to have been considered well as the angles of the roof match those of the supports, however you can see the far end support block's angle does not align with the rest. The angles also show perspective and proportion as the right side has larger support beams which reduce in size slightly as you move to the left and the angles of the horizontal beams follow this well.
The pastels have been used quite heavily in this image in order to cover most of the coloured paper. Although the green is generally used to create mid-tones allowing you to concentrate mainly on highlights and shadows, for this mid-tones have been created mostly with the pastels which works quite well as it accurately reflects tones and colours of the actual building.

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