Tuesday 9 October 2012

Week 02: Architecture

 Graphite - 10 minutes  (Bradford Cathedral Int.)

Charcoal & white chalk, 5 minutes (Bradford Cathedral Int.)

 Charcoal & white chalk, 30 minutes (Church in Meanwood) 

The use of clear two point perspective here helps show the depth of the building however, the fact that some lines are not straight such as the spire in the forefront of the image take away from the sturdy look of the building as it now looks wobbly and bending due to the slight curvature. The same can be applied to the roof and protruding walls which have not been observed very well as they are all different sizes. 
There is some attempt to show finesse with the material through combining it with the white chalk though it has not worked extremely well and perhaps a harder material may have been more suitable to drawing detail in which this drawing lacks. The small amounts of foliage near the doors are more successful elements of the image as they reflect their material better than that of the building. 
Also, because this is quite an uninteresting image, the rule of thirds could have been applied with more care to produce some different and more interesting 'areas of interest' and a good focal point (as they isn't a particular one in this image) as well as using the white chalk to its fullest extent to pick out highlights and make them more intense.
The upper two drawings are quick sketches observing small details which ideally should have been included in the more detailed sketch. Although they are just quick sketches they both show some perspective  but they do not have many compositional elements.

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