Wednesday 17 October 2012

Week 04: Charcoal Landscape

 Charcoal and chalk, 40 minutes

In this landscape drawing, impressionistic techniques have been used in an attempt to portray the whole landscape without drawing every detail. This has been especially used on the tree area in the background where I have used simple lines and strokes to suggest complete trees. The selection of media was important to help create these techniques as charcoal has much less control than pencil and therefore the drawing becomes less precise and detail is lost.
Vertical lines to help ground the buildings and break up the sweeping horizontal lines of the land and trees. The use of the white chalk helps highlight lighter areas and breaks up an otherwise very dark drawing and show in which direction the light is coming from.
There are two points of interest in this piece which are the church spire in the left hand side and the large white building on the bottom right. The fact that these are opposite colours creates contrast and balances the drawing. 

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