Tuesday 15 January 2013

Final Piece: Yorkshire Sculpture Park (Family of Man)

40 minutes, conte crayons on coloured paper

This drawing contains three objects, two of which are manmade and one is a natural form therefore using the rule of three making it more of a pleasing image to look at than if the drawing contained an even number of objects.  The main focal point (sculpture in the forefront) is on the rule of thirds line and not positioned centrally, again making for more pleasing aesthetics.
The objects have been connected, even if only subtly so as the tree connects the first sculptures and the mark making of the ground connects the other statue however because it is so subtly it still gives the impression that the statue is further away and in the background. This is also achieved by the correct proportions and the horizon line.
The tree in the background has been drawn with less intensity than the statues which allows the sculptures to remain the areas of interest within the drawing. This and the mark making for the ground is a less literal interpretation than that sculptures which have been completed to a higher degree of detail.
There are lots of angles in this image and most of them work to create a successful perspective however some of them look odd and incorrect such as the bottom of the first sculpture which should be completely horizontal instead of slightly angled and the angles in the middle of the second sculpture look off.
The highlights, especially those in the foreground sculpture, add dynamism to the image and because they are within the rule of thirds, your eye is particularly drawn to them. They also help show the slight shininess of the edges of the material (bronze).

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