Tuesday 15 January 2013

Final Piece: Anatomy

45 minutes, chalks

Orange/beige has been used all over to bring the drawing together and in areas of shadow purple and red have been used to reflect the true colours of the skin. The orange has been intensified in dark areas to make the shadows appear stronger. Perhaps in some areas, the purple appears intense and could be made more realistic by using less purple and more beige especially on the shadow of the foot because this is not actual skin tone so it is unlikely the shadow would have had as much purple as those on the skin.
Some depth has also been added with use of the shading. By shading the protruding leg darker than the rest of the body it is clear to the viewer that this is further away than the other one.
The cool colours of the drapery, greens and blues, contrast the warm reds, oranges and purples of the skin tone creating juxtaposition which create a more interesting and eye-catching piece.
The proportions appear to be quite accurate though some areas are quite large such as the one ankle appearing from behind the leg which could have been made more realistic by adding interior shading of the ankle bone which protrudes slightly from the skin. The models mood is also represented somewhat in the drawing despite the lack facial features as you can see she is relaxing into the chair and waiting.

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