Wednesday 14 November 2012

Week 07 - Detail In Still Life

Graphite, 40 minutes.

The drawing shows two point perspective quite successfully and the overall form looks fairly accurate. This success of this is helped by the shadows on the objects, especially those on the pompoms on the hat, make the drawing look more realistic and 3D and which also make it clear that the light is coming from the right side.
The use of mark-making on the objects has been used in different ways to try and reflect the true marerial and therefore also more realistic. For example, even though there is a number of scarves in the images, it is clear that the far one is made of a lighter fuzzier wool than the alternate one which is consists of chunkier stitches. This then contrasts against the drapery which has no patterns and is made of a one slightly thicker materia.
This mark-making has been achieved through impressionistic techniques to suggest the detail instead of drawing each stitch because when working quickly it is unrealistic to attempt to draw in that level of detail.

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